2 Years of Catholicism Through A Colored Lens! 2nd Anniversary of BLACKCATHOLIC!
Today is also the 2nd year anniversary of the official launching of my BLACKCATHOLIC apostolate! It was April 1, Easter Day, two years ago (2018) when I first officially launched my FB and Twitter extensions with my website to come later that year. It has been another great year of blessings as my little project has continue to grow on all fronts by leaps and bounds. From a new article-series and other new content being created, to more Black Saints/Holy Ones being added, to conducting my first two original interviews with two Black Catholics (HERE and HERE), to recently doing live videos for the first time on my social media extensions, there has been a lot of good things going on this past year.
My Facebook page has jumped to over 2,400 likes and 2,600 followers reaching thousand of people each day, and my Twitter has 645 followers. My FB is now around the 3rd largest Black Catholic page (based on likes/followers), and is probably the most active. And I have the largest Black Catholic Twitter. I know through Facebook’s stats I reach a number of people in multiple countries around the world. And my website has reached more people as more content has been added. I might in the future do an in-depth look into the all my stats through the apostolate and share it with you, if ever I find the time to gather up all that info, that is!
Together we have seen one of my holy patrons Fr. Augustus Tolton be raised to status of Venerable by the Holy Father Pope Francis as he moves closer to sainthood.
During this year you also have followed me through my second year in seminary which will complte my philosophy studies as I continue on the theology.
Finally, I have gotten the chance to interact and get to know a lot more of you guys and gals over the past year through our brief encounters on social media. Many of you have actually reached out to me to express support and gratitude for what I do, ask questions, and give helpful feedback. Just like I said last year I greatly appreciate the strong base of support from you guys! I am grateful for all your support and prayers because it is through them I receive the strength to do what I do for the Gospel and the One Church that preaches the fullness of that Gospel. I have many more things in stored in the future.
Here’s to another year! Please pray for me as I do for you!
Jesus the Resurrected and the King of the Universe, have mercy on us!
St. Joseph, pray for us!
Ven. Fr. Tolton, pray for us! All Black Holy Ones and Saints, pray for us!