Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less – for 22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year A) [September 3, 2023] – Mt 16:21-27
Above is the image of the post for my Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less on my extension on X (formerly Twitter) and then shared on my FB for today’s Gospel reading for the 22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year A) [September 3, 2023]. Mt 16:21-27 Jesus began to show his disciplesthat…
Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less – for 21st Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year A) [August 27, 2023] – Mt 16:13-20
Above is the image of the post for my Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less on my extension on X (formerly Twitter) and then shared on my FB for today’s Gospel reading for the 21st Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year A) [August 27, 2023]. Mt 16:13-20 Jesus went into the region of…
Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less – for 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year A) [August 20, 2023] – Mt 15:21
Above is the image of the post for my Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less on my extension on X (formerly Twitter) and then shared on my FB for today’s Gospel reading for the 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year A) [August 20, 2023]. Mt 15:21-28 At that time, Jesus withdrew to…
A Mother For These Times: My Assumption Novena Sermon
I posted last week about my receiving from my bishop to publicly preach outside of Mass once again for one of the days of a parish novena for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary being held at one of the local churches, the Church of the Assumption, in my diocese here in Nashville. This…
Sunday in a “X-Shell” (Formerly “TweetShell”) for 19th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year A) [August 13, 2023] – Mt 14:22-33
Above is the image of the post for my “Sunday in a Formally Known As TweetShell: Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less” I tweeted posted and then shared on my FB for today’s Gospel reading for the 19th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year A) [August 13, 2023]. Mt 14:22-33 After he had fed the people,…
Preaching (Officially) For The 2nd Time Tonight!
Good news to share! I have received permission from my bishop once again for this year to publicly preach for the faithful in the context of a non-Mass liturgy for the Novena for the Assumption at a local parish in my diocese! I will be preaching later this evening. By the grace of God last…
Sunday in a “X-Shell”? (Thanks, Elon) Gospel for Transfiguration Sunday (Year A) [August 6, 2023]
Above is the image of the post for my “Sunday in a Formerly Known As TweetShell: Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less” I tweeted posted and then shared on my FB for today’s Gospel reading for the Sunday of the Feat of the Transfiguration (Year A) [August 6, 2023]. Thanks to Elon…
“Sunday in a TweetShell” for the 17th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year A) [July 30, 2023] – Mt 13:44-52
Above is the image of the tweet for my “Sunday in a TweetShell: Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less” I tweeted and shared on my FB for today’s Gospel reading for the 17th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year A) [July 30, 2023]. Mt 13:44-52 Jesus said to his disciples:“The kingdom of heaven…
BLACATHOLIC Fervorinos 7: Everybody Counts Video Link and Transcript
The following is an approximate transcript of my “BLACKCATHOLIC Fervorinos 7: Everybody Counts” video released on my Facebook page on July 21, 2023. The transcript below strives for a balance of both a word-for-word account and careful editing for better reading. With [notes], [additions], and omissions for clarity and flow. After this check out more of…
“Sunday in a TweetShell” for the 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year A) [July 16, 2023] – Mt 13:1-23
Above is the image of the tweet for my “Sunday in a TweetShell: Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less” I tweeted and shared on my FB for today’s Gospel reading for the 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year A) [July 16, 2023]. Mt 13:1-23 On that day, Jesus went out of the…