Tolton Novena for the Spiritual Welfare of the Black American Community (July 1-July 9) [124th Anniversary of Tolton’s Death] – Day 8: FOR MORE CATHOLIC EVANGELISTS TO THE BLACK COMMUNITY
The Novena for the Spiritual Welfare of the Black American Community – Day 8 Begin each Prayer with: One Our Father One Apostle’s Creed Three Hail Marys EIGHTH PRAYER: FOR MORE CATHOLIC EVANGELISTS TO THE BLACK COMMUNITY O’ Father Augustus Tolton, who always sought out new opportunities to reach out to the community, pray O’…
Tolton Novena for the Spiritual Welfare of the Black American Community (July 1-July 9) [124th Anniversary of Tolton’s Death] – Day 7: FOR THE END OF ABORTION IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY
The Novena for the Spiritual Welfare of the Black American Community – Day 7 Begin each Prayer with: One Our Father One Apostle’s Creed Three Hail Marys SEVENTH PRAYER: FOR THE END OF ABORTION IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY Far too much treasure of the Black community in America has been lost through the tragedy of…
Tolton Novena for the Spiritual Welfare of the Black American Community (July 1-July 9) [124th Anniversary of Tolton’s Death] – Day 6: FOR GAINFUL ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITIES IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY
The Novena for the Spiritual Welfare of the Black American Community – Day 6 Begin each Prayer with: One Our Father One Apostle’s Creed Three Hail Marys SIXTH PRAYER: FOR GAINFUL ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITIES IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY O’ Father Augustus Tolton, as we seek your intercession for the spiritual needs of the Black community in…
Tolton Novena for the Spiritual Welfare of the Black American Community (July 1-July 9) [124th Anniversary of Tolton’s Death] – Day 5: FOR GOOD EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY
The Novena for the Spiritual Welfare of the Black American Community – Day 5 Begin each Prayer with: One Our Father One Apostle’s Creed Three Hail Marys FIFTH PRAYER: FOR GOOD EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY The doors of opportunity in the world are open to all, and are open even more fully to…
Tolton Novena for the Spiritual Welfare of the Black American Community (July 1-July 9) [124th Anniversary of Tolton’s Death] – Day 4: FOR PEACE IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY
The Novena for the Spiritual Welfare of the Black American Community – Day 4 Begin each Prayer with: One Our Father One Apostle’s Creed Three Hail Marys FOURTH PRAYER: FOR PEACE IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY O’ Father Augustus Tolton, servant of Peace, pray for an end of all forms of violence and for an everlasting…
Visited Three Hierarchs Byzantine Melkite Catholic Mission Here in San Antonio
Another Sunday, another trip to a local church for Sunday Mass while down here in San Antonio for Spanish Immersion at the Mexican American Catholic College (or should I say Divine Liturgy for the one we checked out last Sunday). This time me and the other Nashville guys went to Three Hierarchs Byzantine Melkite Catholic…
Tolton Novena for the Spiritual Welfare of the Black American Community (July 1-July 9) [124th Anniversary of Tolton’s Death] – Day 3: FOR THE STABILITY AND STRENGTH OF MARRIAGES AND FAMILIES IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY
The Novena for the Spiritual Welfare of the Black American Community – Day 3 Begin each Prayer with: One Our Father One Apostle’s Creed Three Hail Marys THIRD PRAYER: FOR THE STABILITY AND STRENGTH OF MARRIAGES AND FAMILIES IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY Strong families and marriages are the woven threads that have always proved to…
Tolton Novena for the Spiritual Welfare of the Black American Community (July 1-July 9) [124th Anniversary of Tolton’s Death] – Day 2: FOR THE MORAL FORMATION OF THE BLACK COMMUNITY
The Novena for the Spiritual Welfare of the Black American Community – Day 2 Begin each Prayer with: One Our Father One Apostle’s Creed Three Hail Marys SECOND PRAYER: FOR THE MORAL FORMATION OF THE BLACK COMMUNITY Pray O’ Father Augustus Tolton, teacher of truth, for the moral formation of the youth in the Black…
Tolton Novena for the Spiritual Welfare of the Black American Community (July 1-July 9) [124th Anniversary of Tolton’s Death] Begins Today! – Day 1
Today is the beginning of the Ven. Fr. Augustus Tolton Novena for the Spiritual Welfare of the Black American Community! It starts from today, July 1, and runs till July 9, the 124th anniversary of the death of Fr. Tolton, the first recognized African-American Catholic priest in U.S. history. Tolton lived from April 1, 1854…
8 Years ago today I became a Catholic.
8 years ago today I was able to go to a priest and confess my sins and receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time, and it would be the first of many times. 8 years ago today at a simple daily Mass I professed what the above little card says and received the…