A Sixth Century African Talks About the Holy Spirit and Unity
The following is from a sermon by an unknown sixth century African author that is used by the Liturgy of the Hours for the Saturday of the Seventh Week of Easter for the second reading in the Office of Readings. It came up today for the Hours, and since tomorrow is Pentecost I wanted to…
“BLACKCATHOLIC Fervorinos 1: Make Your Heart A Monstrance” video transcript
The following is an approximate transcript of my “BLACKCATHOLIC Fervorinos 1: Make Your Heart A Monstrance” video released on my Facebook page and spread to Twitter on May 16, 2021. The transcript below strives for a balance of both a word-for-word account and careful editing for better reading. With [Notes]. * * * Hello this…
Want to see God? Come to a Catholic church: Implications of the Eucharistic belief
A thought during Mass today: One of the most amazing things about being Catholic are implications of our Eucharistic faith regarding Jesus. We believe that the very SAME Jesus who lived and walked 2000 years ago is literally in our churches in the Eucharist. The Jesus who did miracles, forgave sins, preached to multitudes, suffered,…
Last Paper In, 1st Year of Theology Completed, And The Halfway Point in Seminary
Last paper turned in. Now my first year of theological studies are finally done. That feeling after the last submission is always legit, no lie. This is the completion of my third year within in a total of 6 years of seminary formation. This is the halfway point, which means I am officially halfway on…
Introducing BLACKCATHOLIC Fervorinos
I want to introduce a project I’ve been having on my mind for well over a year now. It is a type of video series I’ve wanted to do, and it’s one of those things I’ve been really wanting to get off the ground, but just never did. It is going to be called BLACKCATHOLIC…
APRIL – FATHER AUGUSTUS TOLTON MONTH 2021: Anniversary of Totlon’s first Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome on Easter Day
April 25, 1886 – Anniversary of Tolton’s first Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome on Easter Day, one day after he was ordained to the priesthood. Learn about Ven. Tolton’s life and cause for sainthood as America’s first recognized Black American Catholic priest: https://tolton.archchicago.org/about Pray with Ven. Tolton and let him carry your needs…
APRIL – FATHER AUGUSTUS TOLTON MONTH 2021: 135th Anniversary Of Priestly Ordination Of Fr. Tolton
Borrowed from a FB friend: April 24, 2021 is the 135th anniversary of Venerable Augustus Tolton’s ordination to the holy priesthood at Saint John Lateran Basilica in Rome. Father Tolton is the first recognized Black Catholic priest in the USA. His cause for canonization is being promoted. Since Tolton was not welcome in a Roman…
Black Catholic Saint Feast Day: St. Benedict the Moor (April 4)
Christ is Risen! Yesterday was Easter, indeed! However, yesterday was also the feast day of a Black Catholic saint – St. Benedict the Moor (also called Benedict of the African and “The Holy Black”)! Born: 1526 Death: April 4, 1589 Canonized: May 24, 1807 by Pope Benedict XIV Patronage: African missions, Black missions, African Americans,…
Happy Easter From BLACKCATHOLIC!
“Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you. . .‘The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.’ Then they remembered.”