Advancement in Sainthood Cause of Black Catholic Holy One – Julia Greeley ( article)

There has been an advancement in one Black Catholic Holy One who could be declared a saint someday! A positive development in the sainthood cause of Servant of God Julia Greeley! * * * FULL ARTICLE: “Devotion to Julia Greeley grows as beatification cause advances in Rome” – Denver Catholic “Denver in particular has a…

By BLACKCATHOLIC March 18, 2021 0

Announcement Regarding BLACKCATHOLIC apostolate in April: Father Augustus Tolton Month

Black History Month may be over, but, just as I have stated before, my apostolate continues to celebrate Black history, culture, and people everyday of the year (especially within the context of our rightful place in the Catholic Church and her history). Nevertheless, signaling out special moments for specific recognition is always welcome on my…

By BLACKCATHOLIC March 2, 2021 0