It’s Getting Real: My Admission to Candidacy for Holy Orders – 2 – Looking and Reflecting on the Text of the Rite of Candidacy.
This is the second entry in a mini article-series on my admission to Candidacy. Today is the day of my admission, which will take place at 11:00am CT this morning. I am feeling some of those good kinds of butterflies for sure. Anyway, I planned beforehand to do a piece that included the actually text…
It’s Getting Real: My Admission to Candidacy for Holy Orders – 1 – The Significance of Candidacy and Why It is Required On the Journey to The Priesthood
As I announced on Sunday, on this Wednesday, May 25, I will be admitted to Candidacy for Holy Orders. Because not everyone is familiar with what this means in particular I wanted to take this time leading up to talk about the significance of this next step. This first article in the start of a…
Big Announcement: I Am Becoming A Candidate for Holy Orders This Week! Things Are About to Get Real.
Christ has Ascended into Heaven! Peace be with you! I have an important announcement to share with you today concerning my path to the priesthood. This week, on Wednesday May 27 at 11:00am on the feast day of St. Augustine of Canterbury (in the Ordinary Form calendar), in a small ceremony during a daily Mass,…
Liturgy Livestreams for the Rest of May (5/23-5/31)
All event/times central and subject to change. All taking place at a new location, my home parish. 5/23 (Saturday) 5:00pm Vigil Mass 5/24 (Ascension Sunday) 9:00am Mass 5/26 (Tuesday) 10:30am Morning Prayer 12:10pm Mass 4:00 Evening Prayer 5/29 (Friday) 12:10pm Mass 5/30 (Saturday) 5:00pm Vigil 5/31 (Pentecost Sunday) 9:00am Mass
Update on Livestreaming of Liturgies
Now that I am back home and staying at my actual house I am no longer just a walk downstairs to a chapel where daily Mass and Adoration takes place. Plus, I am no longer in my room in the seminary; I am back at my room at home which is not set up the…
It Was Time to Go – Finally Left for the Summer and Back Home!
After months of quarantine at the seminary, I finally got the chance to pack up my things and head back home to Nashville. Our vocation director had been keeping us at the school for own safety since the pandemic business blew up in mid-March. As I reported some time back, mid-March is also when the…
I Graduated! Philosophy Studies Completed!
I wanted to wait till I finished that last paper before I posted this up. This past Saturday we had our “graduation ceremony” at the seminary in our on-campus pub/restaurant we had open only for those of us remaining in the quarantined cloister we have going on here, and, as you can see, I dressed…
134th Anniversary of Ven. Augustus Tolton’s Ordination as a Priest!
I’ve been so wrapped up in work today, but I can’t let this day go by on my apostolate without acknowledging this. In this month which contains the anniversary of his birth on April 1, today, April 24, is the 134th anniversary of Ven. Augustus Tolton’s spiritual birth as a priest of Jesus Christ for…
REPOST: Prod. By BLACKCATHOLIC – 4: “God is Dead: For the Good Fridays and Holy Saturdays of Our Lives” (For Laudare)
Good to repost this for today: Here’s an article I wrote for Laudare in 2017 that fits the occasion of Holy Saturday: “God is Dead: For the Good Fridays and Holy Saturdays of Our Lives” Here are some excerpts: “When evil and suffering has taken out all the good in the world in an onslaught of pain,…