BLACATHOLIC Fervorinos 8: Are You Missing Your Missa? Video Link and Transcript
The following is an approximate transcript of my “BLACKCATHOLIC Fervorinos 8: Are You Missing Your Missa?” video released on my Facebook page. The transcript below strives for a balance of both a word-for-word account and careful editing for better reading. With [notes], [additions], and omissions for clarity and flow. After this check out more of my BLACKCATHOLIC Fervorinos and their video transcripts.
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How are you doing? This is Justin, the BLACKCATHOLIC, and I’m coming at you with another BLACKCATHOLIC Fervorino. And if you are new to my apostolate, BLACKCATHOLIC Fervorinos are just brief pep talks to get your faith going.
And the title for this BLACKCATHOLIC Fervorino is “Are You Missing Your Missa?’
You know, when Mass is over and you head out the church doors what is it that you going out to do, exactly?
- To go home?
- To go out to Sunday brunch or lunch?
- Or to carry on with life as usual and come back next Sunday to do the same with very little difference in between?
Do you ever think about how the word “Mass” has a meaning and that it has the particular meaning that it does?
Because “Mass” comes from the Latin for the last bit of the liturgy that we hear at the very end.
Ite, missa est.
“Go forth, the Mass is ended”
A couple of other translations can read:
“Go, the prayer has been sent.”
“Go, it is the dismissal.”
Take that word “dismissal,” break it down to “missa,” and
we get our word “Mass.”
Because, you know, at the end of Mass, we have been fed with the very means of the world’s salvation.
And that is the Paschal Mystery: the Death, and Resurrection and Ascension into heaven of Jesus.
And we are a mission people.
So, “Go forth, the Mass is ended,”
The “go” is right.
And so I ask again, when Father or Deacon says, “Go forth, the Mass is ended” – do you go forth?
When Mass is over what is it, again, that you are going out to do exactly?
Does your life between this Sunday and next Sunday do anything in some small way to spread forth what you came to Mass to do in the first place? If Ite, missa est is what we need to do, what we ought to do, if the life of a Christian looks a lot like the world’s business and it’s business as usual, then are you missing your missa?
Because, every baptized person has a name.
And it’s the same name. All of us have it. And that is the name of Christian. And we are not a “business as usual” people. Just ask the ancient Romans, just ask anybody who’s ever persecuted the Church and the saints that have stood strong in that persecution. We were anything but a “business as usual” people. Because we have something to prove.
A Lord.
A Savior.
Someone who makes all the difference in this world hungry for that difference.
Because “Christian” comes from “Christ.”
And we are to go forth from Christ after Mass and prove that name.
Christian, are you proving your name?
This is Justin, the BLACKCATHOLIC.