Black History Month 2024: Feb. 8 – St. Josephine Bakhita, From Slavery of the Body to Freedom of the Soul
“Rejoice, all of Africa! Bakhita has come back to you: the daughter of the Sudan sold into slavery as a living piece of merchandise and yet still free. Free with the freedom of the saints. Blessed Josephine comes back to you with the message of God the Father’s infinite mercy.”
Pope St. John Paul II, Homily, February 10, 1993
She is a testimony to Black History in her own right.
– Born into well off family but later kidnapped into slavery & bought/sold 5-6 times.
– Later brought to Italy, declared free, and had a conversion to Christ.
– Free in body & soul she lived the rest of her life as a bride ofChrist.
– She helped prepare other sisters who would serve in Africa as missionaries.
– Known for her gentleness, calming voice, and ever-present smile, she became known as “Black Mother.”
– She was revered as a saint while alive.
– She lived 1869-1947.
I have covered her life in full in the past, and she has a page dedicated to her so you can learn even more.

St. Josephine Bakhita, pray for us!