Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children (Jan. 22)
The Church designates today, January 22 (or Jan. 23 when 22 is on a Sunday, the “Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children” in the U.S. And Masses can be offered today for this intention. She calls us today to offer up prayers, fasting, and almsgiving for the increased legal protection for the precious unborn babies from the evil slaughtering that is abortion and for the eventual overturning of all laws allowing this injustice against life up to and including Roe vs Wade. So let us together set aside some moment of our day to gain God’s many graces for Holy Mother Church’s petition for the sake of the unborn, the mothers and fathers contemplating this decision, and for support and well-being for the born children and their parents who decided against abortion.…/resourc…/january-22-day-of-prayer.cfm