A Black Catholic Parish’s Feast Day – St. Vincent de Paul’s in My Home Town

Happy Feast Day to the only surviving historically Black Catholic parish in my home diocese of Nashville, St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church! Today is the feast day of 17th century priest, St. Vincent de Paul, which the universal Church celebrates as a memorial, but for St. Vincent’s it’s a full-on solemnity. Check out these…

By BLACKCATHOLIC September 27, 2021 0

Part 3: How To Keep the Lord’s Day No Matter What – Now That the Sun Has Returned: Reflection Series on The Lord’s Day for A Church (Still) Recovering From the Pandemic

This is Part 3 of a three-part reflection series on the importance and value of Sunday as the Lord’s Day and Sunday worship as the Church continues to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. Part 2 was published last Sunday, and Part 1 was published the week before. This series is being featured on both BLACKCATHOLIC…

By BLACKCATHOLIC August 29, 2021 0

Part 2: What Sunday Gives Us – Now That the Sun Has Returned: Reflection Series on The Lord’s Day for A Church (Still) Recovering From the Pandemic

This is Part 2 of a three-part reflection series on the importance and value of Sunday as the Lord’s Day and Sunday worship as the Church continues to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. Part 1 was published last Sunday. This series is being featured on both BLACKCATHOLIC and Laudare. A little late with the past…

By BLACKCATHOLIC August 22, 2021 0

Now That the Sun Has Returned: Reflection Series on The Lord’s Day for A Church (Still) Recovering From the Pandemic – Part 1: The Pandemic, Sunday, and the Robbery of Meaning

Happy Solemnity of the Assumption of Our Lady and Mother! This time last year a lot of things were still locked down including churches, and if anything was open, there were extensive restrictions. Plus, the Sunday obligation to attend Mass was not in effect many parts of the Church. For a lot of us we…

By BLACKCATHOLIC August 15, 2021 0

“Now That The Sun Has Returned” – A Three-Part Reflection Series on the Value of Sunday as the Lord’s Day Begins This Sunday

This time last year a lot of things were still locked down including churches, and if anything was open, there were extensive restrictions. Plus, the Sunday obligation to attend Mass was not in effect many parts of the Church. For a lot of us we are definitely back to a situation that looks a lot…

By BLACKCATHOLIC August 14, 2021 0