Black Catholic Saint Feast Day: St. Benedict the Moor (April 4)
Christ is Risen! Yesterday was Easter, indeed! However, yesterday was also the feast day of a Black Catholic saint – St. Benedict the Moor (also called Benedict of the African and “The Holy Black”)! Born: 1526 Death: April 4, 1589 Canonized: May 24, 1807 by Pope Benedict XIV Patronage: African missions, Black missions, African Americans,…
Happy Easter From BLACKCATHOLIC!
“Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you. . .‘The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.’ Then they remembered.”
APRIL – FATHER AUGUSTUS TOLTON MONTH 2021: 167th Anniversary of the the Birth of Venerable Augustus Tolton
Because yesterday was Holy Week and I have been caught up in all the Holy Week festivities going down in my diocese and my parish I missed to post on this yesterday. Yesterday was the 167th Anniversary of the the Birth of Venerable Augustus Tolton. He was born on April 1, 1854 to Peter Paul…
Just I as I said back in March, my apostolate will be celebrating April as Father Augustus Tolton Month this year. This month will be filled with posts about Totlon, his life, and his significance. April is a good month to have a specific celebration of Ven. Tolton for the following reasons: April 1, 1854…
Happy Solemnity of St. Joseph, Husband of Mary! Patron of BLACKCATHOLIC
Especially, in the Year of St. Joseph! St. Joseph is both my personal Patron when I was confirmed into the Church and one of the Patrons of my BLACKCATHOLIC apostolate! He is also a Patron of my home diocese of Nashville. “Grant, we pray, almighty God, that by Saint Joseph’s intercession your Church may constantly…
Advancement in Sainthood Cause of Black Catholic Holy One – Julia Greeley ( article)
There has been an advancement in one Black Catholic Holy One who could be declared a saint someday! A positive development in the sainthood cause of Servant of God Julia Greeley! * * * FULL ARTICLE: “Devotion to Julia Greeley grows as beatification cause advances in Rome” – Denver Catholic “Denver in particular has a…
A note on God’s love for you
I’ve shared this across my social media. During some prayerful reflection today this occurred to me that I want to share: There is not a single part of God’s infinite, totally transcendent, ever-huge, unsurpassable, awe-provoking, omnipresent, all-powerful (…and on) nature that doesn’t love you. And we are dust. In other words: God loves you with…
Happy Feast of St. Katherine Drexel!
Today is the feast day of St. Katherine Drexel (1878-1955) who spent her life as a Spouse of Christ ministering to Black and Native peoples in the U.S. From the brief bio in the Liturgy of the Hours: “Katherine gave her a fortune and her life to serve the poor and oppressed, particularly African-American and…
Announcement Regarding BLACKCATHOLIC apostolate in April: Father Augustus Tolton Month
Black History Month may be over, but, just as I have stated before, my apostolate continues to celebrate Black history, culture, and people everyday of the year (especially within the context of our rightful place in the Catholic Church and her history). Nevertheless, signaling out special moments for specific recognition is always welcome on my…