Installed as Acolyte
By the Grace of God Almighty, I took one more step towards ordination and to the priesthood tonight at the seminary along with a bunch of other guys.
During Mass I received the Ministry of Acolyte by installation. This is the step by which I am now officially deputized by the Church to assist the priest and the deacon in all her liturgies by serving at the altar. I can also lead certain liturgical functions and (most excitedly!) expose the Lord for Adoration and repose Him back into the tabernacle, though I cannot give benediction.
There are other duties and significant aspects that I can go into, but I will do that in a full article on my website this weekend (I got homework right now!)
This is the last step I will take as a lay person receiving a function meant for a member of the laity to carry out.
The next step, which will happen over a year from now, will be promises related to the clerical state and then later ordination to the Diaconate.
Pray for God’s will to be done in me as I carry out my new ministry. Thank you!