Installed as Lector
Tonight a bunch of guys and I received the Ministry of Lector at the seminary. We are now officially at the Church’s service to proclaim the Word at Mass when called upon!
And happy to have received this next step during Black History Month to be a part of Black history being made in the Church in the present day through my own little life. Through the lives and moments of Black people of all vocations/callings in the Church Black history in Mother Church doesn’t stop because Christ is writing our story and is weaving it together along with the stories of all peoples in His Church as He builds us all up into One People, One Holy Nation in His One Mystical Body with He as our beloved Head.
And just like when I received Candidacy last year I want to write an article on my site that will explain the what the rest of what the Ministry of Lector entails and its significance on the road to priestly ordination.
From the Rite of Installation of Readers:
“Lord God, source of all goodness and light, you sent your only Son, the Word of life, to reveal to mankind the mystery of your love. Bless + our brothers who have been chosen for the ministry of reader. Grant that as they meditate constantly on your word they may grow in its wisdom and faithfully proclaim it to your people.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.”
Afterwards, we came and knelt before the presider with our right hands on the lectionary and responded “Amen” to the following:
“Take this book of holy Scripture and be faithful in handing on the word of God, so that it may grow strong in the hearts of his people.”
Deo Gratias.