10 Years A Catholic

Talk about a 10 Year Challenge. Above 2013. Below 2023.
10 Years. 10 blessed years.
Today I celebrate 10 years of being a Catholic, and it’s crazy that it’s really been a decade. I came into the Church on June 26, 2013 during my early college years, and I still remember that day with the fine folks in the top pic clear as day as I walked into 10 years with my fine seminarian brothers in the bottom pic.
It was a quiet 10 year anniversary today, and I can’t find all the right words to capture the meaning yet. I want to try to write something more full on my blog at a later time perhaps, if I can. But maybe for now the only thing to say are two simple words to God, His Church, and to all whom I have come to know within His Mystical Body:
Thank you.