Happy Black History Month 2022!
Happy Black History Month from BLACKCATHOLIC!
It is February, also celebrated in the US (and Canada, too) as Black History Month!
BHM is dedicated to the celebration of African Americans, our history, our community, our leaders, culture, and achievements. It also celebrates how African American history is central in the history of the United States.
Since its inception my apostolate has always taken part in celebrating BHM from, especially from a Catholic perspective. I have done so through part posts on my website and social media involving Black history generally often with the Church’s relation to it. Usually, I have different sorts of specialized content though a general wave of posts during this month dealing with Black history often mixed with Catholic themes.
Like I have stated in the past, we have WAY more than 28 days because there are at least two months to celebrate Black history! That is why Each February and November my apostolate rejoices and has a special series of posts celebrating Black History Month (Feb.) and Black Catholic History Month (Nov.). November’s celebration includes a showcase of Black Catholic saints/holy ones and Black Catholic topics from history.
To see posts from past celebrations of Black History Month over the years click above or go here.
Have a happy, blessed, and enlightening Black History Month!
And to all my People out there – Stay as Black as God made you.
And to all my People out there who are Catholic as well – Stay Black AND Catholic.
To all else, feel free to celebrate along with us!
Above image remixed from original image found at here. Fair Use.