All Roads Lead To Revival – Eucharistic Revival 2024
Guess where I am y’all!
My diocese sponsored three of us seminarians to come up for the entire 5-day National Eucharistic Revival here in Indianapolis! We will enjoy Masses, workshops, big presentations in morning and evening with major Catholic heavy-hitters, adoration, a Eucharistic procession, and whatever the revival will throw at us.

As a plus, it’s been halfway through day one, and I have already seen a number of other Black Catholic influencers at Mass and walking around! My ideal is to make some occasional posts and videos up (on my social media mostly) featuring my own experience of certain things and especially from the Black Catholic perspective if I can.
Are any of y’all at the Revival? If you are hear and happen to see me around, feel free to come up and say hi!
Either way, God bless you if you are here or enjoying the Revival at home!