REPOST: Black (And Catholic) Like Me 4: St. Martin de Porres – Slave Descent, But Always Free (Black Catholic History Month 2020)
Happy Black Catholic History Month 2020 and Happy Feast Day of St. Martin de Porres! For the first entry of Black Catholic History Month 2020 I have a repost of the fourth installment in my Black (And Catholic) Like Me article-series from last year featuring the Black Catholic saint whose feast day is today: St. Martin de…
Happy Black Catholic History Month 2020!
And with the start of November we enter into that glorious month celebrated as Black Catholic History Month! My apostolate annually celebrates this good month to share even more so the history of Black Catholics in both American history and in world history. Happy 30th Anniversary to Black Catholic History Month; it began in 1990.…
Vows in Fallen World – What I Saw This Saturday.
“In a fallen and broken world love takes the form of a vow.” This past Saturday God so alined it that I would bear witness and serve in two Masses in which lifelong vows took place. I saw eight Dominican sisters lay down their lives for Christ their Spouse at our cathedral in the morning.…
7 Years of Being Catholic This Weekend!
The past weekend I celebrated 7 years of being Catholic by God’s grace! I came into the Church on June 26, 2013. My faith has only gotten stronger and deeper and more rich as the years keeping coming by! I have been so happy to be a part of God’s One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic…
Collection of Statements and Responses from the Active Black Catholic Bishops of the United States on the Death of George Floyd, the Recent Racial Issues, and the National Protests (As of June 8, 2020)
In a country of 265 active Roman Catholic bishops only 6 are African American. Auxiliary Bishop Roy Edward Campbell, Jr. Auxiliary Bishop Fernand Cheri III, OFM Bishop Shelton Fabre Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory Bishop Curtis Guillory, SVD Auxiliary Bishop Joseph N. Perry All 6 have released responses in some form to the killing of George…
Happy Solemnity of the Most Blessed and Most Holy Almighty Trinity +Father, Son, and Holy Spirit+!
It has my favorite Mass preface (“It is truly right and just”) prayer of all time! Vere dignum et iustum est, æquum et salutare,nos tibi semper et ubique gratias agere:Domine, sancte Pater, omnipotens æterne Deus: Qui cum Unigenito Filio tuo et Spiritu Sanctounus es Deus, unus es Dominus:non in unius singularitate personæ,sed in unius Trinitate…
“From Baptist to Catholic to Seminary”: Talking Catholic Interview with David L. Gray – My Conversion Journey, The Saints, Peter as Rock of the Church, Journey to the Priesthood, Black Catholicism, and Response to George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery
I invite all of you to go check out the interview I did with David. L Gray this week for his YouTube channel on his show “Talking Catholic with David L. Gray.” David Gray is a Black Catholic author, theologian, historian and YouTuber who is also a convert to the faith. On his show he…
Don’t Worry, I’ve Been Thinking About It, Too . . .
There’s been a lot going on lately. And it keeps coming at you. #AhmaudArbery, #GeorgeFloyd, police brutality, racism, and widespread protests across the nation, even in my city. All of this has had a deep connection and impact on the Black community because we are in the thick of it. And, as you might have…
It’s Getting Real: My Admission to Candidacy for Holy Orders – 3 – What it Means To Be a Candidate for Holy Orders Now.
Oh, it got real, alright. Yesterday morning my Bishop admitted me to be a Candidate for Holy Orders through the Rite of Candidacy. See my previous two articles in this mini article-series for more information about Candidacy and its significance along the journey to priesthood: here and here. In this last installment I will share…
Admitted to Candidacy for Holy Orders
“When the days drew near for him to be taken up, he set his face to go to Jerusalem.” – Luke 9:51 [ESV] “Lord, hear our prayers for your sons who wish to dedicate themselves to your service and the service of your people in the sacred ministry. Bless them + in your fatherly love, that they may…