BLACK HISTORY MONTH FEATURED ARTICLE 4 (Feb 26): Fr. Tolton as a “Catholic MLK”
Crux article (2017): “He embodies Father Tolton, from youth to manhood, bringing in turn joy and sorrow to the stage. The producer and actor believes “Tolton” could not be more timely. ‘There are so many misunderstandings between the races in the United States today,’ Defillipis said after the Holy Rosary performance. ‘Father Tolton is the…
BLACK HISTORY MONTH FEATURED VIDEO 3 (Feb 21): Missa Luba, Congolese Mass Setting From 1965 for the Old Mass
This week’s featured video is little bit off from what I have showcased so far this month, but it is (1) something I’ve been wanting to tell you guys about for a long time (if I haven’t already), (2) still related to Black history in general, and (3) totally worth it. So, let’s mix things…
BLACK HISTORY MONTH FEATURED ARTICLE 3 (Feb 19): 125 Years of Josephite Service to the Black Community
Meant to post it on Feb 19 Catholic Philly article (2018): “Joining men and women from many different backgrounds, they gathered to celebrate the 125th anniversary of the founding of the Josephites, a society of priests and brothers established in Baltimore to minister to the African-American community. It was a jubilant celebration not only of…
Seminary’s Black History Lecture on the History of Black Nuns in US recap
I wanted to give a fully recap of this year’s annual Black History Lecture my seminary had. The topic, again, was “The Real Sister Act: Black Catholic Sisters in the United States.” The lecture was given by a young up-and-coming Black historian Dr. Shannen Dee Williams. She is an assistant professor at Villanova University. The…
BLACK HISTORY MONTH FEATURED VIDEO 2 (Feb 14): Short Film/Footage of Selma-Montgomery March From 1965
To tie in and provide some context for the Selma events mentioned in my article posts the last two weeks here is a short film from all the way back in 1965. It provides an intimate and direct look at the march from Selma to Montgomery with nothing but actual footage. The main audio is…
Short update: I will try to do recap of Black History Lecture tomorrow.
Wednesdays are pretty packed days in our seminary life.
BLACK HISTORY MONTH FEATURED ARTICLE 2 (Feb 12) – National Catholic Reporter article (2015): Catholics at Selma
Meant to edit things and post it yesterday. Here’s the 2nd featured article of this month, a continuation of last week’s look at Catholics in the Civil Rights Movement; this time more broadly, particularly Catholics at Selma. “Catholics played a prominent role in Selma, much more than in previous civil rights demonstrations. Never before had Catholic…
This was tonight! Will tell more tomorrow! Black History Lecture on History of Black Nuns in US from Shannen Dee Williams
My seminary hosted this speaker and topic for its annual Black History Lecture. And. IT. WAS. THE. BOMB! I’ve made some quick posts about it on my social media with some pictures up. Here’s what I said: “Dr. Shannen Dee Williams rocked the house with her presentation tonight! She was so jammed packed full of…
Black (And Catholic) Like Me 2: St. Benedict the Moor, O.F.M., “The Holy Black” (Black History Month 2019)
Here is the second Black Saint to be featured during this year’s celebration of Black History Month by my apostolate, and the 2nd installment of Black (And Catholic) Like Me, an article-series that features a Black Catholic saint from history (or soon to be one) and tells a little about him/her and what I believe we can…