Octave for Christian Unity 2019
Yesterday began what is called the Octave of Christian Unity – the set of eight days in which the Church offers up prayers with Jesus’ prayer that we “might all be one.” It runs from January 18-25, so it’s not too late to jump on it (I remembered and jumped on it today, in fact).…
Doodle From the Other Day
A doodle I made the other day on the back a church document copy.
When I was doing some book shopping earlier today . . .
That Prime makes a difference, tho.
Pray for the End of Abortion!
We gathered in the chapel at the seminary to pray a rosary and litany for the end of abortion today! We stand for life and we stand for the Church’s tireless defense for the unborn!
Books For This Semester . . .
Here’s a look at just SOME (12 total in this picture) of the books that are on the line up for my classes this semester. Definitely some interesting things here that I’m eager to sink into and learn from. There’s always that little pocket of giddiness and expectation when you first get your books for…
Yes, the Pope is Catholic . . . But He Has Also Been Unclear.
Late last month there was a thing going around stating that the Holy Father had denied the truth of the Immaculate Conception during one of his addresses. It was bogus. He never truly denied that Our Lady is immaculate. I remember seeing the original claim/article, reading it along with Francis’ own words, and determined there…
First Leading Black Bishop of Diocese in US During the 20th Century Dies
This is such a great story. I never knew of Bishop Howze, but God willing I could follow in his footsteps. Please pray for the repose of his soul. Here are a few excerpts from the article the Sun Herald did on his life: “Bishop Emeritus Joseph Lawson Howze, the first black bishop to lead a diocese in the…
Back at Seminary
Back at seminary and back to the grind! Here is a good pic of the abbey church I shared last semester.
Happy Epiphany! Blessed Chalk!
Father did the traditional blessings of chalk today for Epiphany! I got mine during the mad dash to get one! Did your priest do one of these this morning? The very top part is what you write on the door posts. The 20 + 19 mean the current year and CMB can be either…