Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less: Gospel for 2nd Sunday of Easter/Divine Mercy Sunday (Year B) [April 7, 2024]

Above is the image of the post for my Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less on my extension on X (280 character limit) and then shared on my FB for this Sunday’s Gospel reading for 2nd Sunday of Easter/Divine Mercy Sunday (Year B) [April 7, 2024] Jn 20:19-31On the evening of that first day of the…

By BLACKCATHOLIC April 7, 2024 0

Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less: Gospel for the 4th Sunday of Lent (Year B) [March 10, 2024]

Above is the image of the post for my Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less on my extension on X (280 character limit) and then shared on my FB for this Sunday’s Gospel reading for 4th Sunday of Lent (Year B) [March 10, 2024] Jn 3:14-21 Jesus said to Nicodemus:“Just as Moses lifted up the serpent…

By BLACKCATHOLIC March 10, 2024 0