BLACK HISTORY MONTH FEATURED ARTICLE 4 (Feb 26): Fr. Tolton as a “Catholic MLK”
Crux article (2017):
“He embodies Father Tolton, from youth to manhood, bringing in turn joy and sorrow to the stage.
The producer and actor believes “Tolton” could not be more timely. ‘There are so many misunderstandings between the races in the United States today,’ Defillipis said after the Holy Rosary performance. ‘Father Tolton is the Catholic Martin Luther King. He gave his all to his faith. This show brings us together.'”
“‘We could ask why we’re celebrating this man,’ he said. ‘Father Tolton never founded a seminary, never wrote a book. So if you define success in materialistic terms, he was a failure. But if it’s defined by our faithfulness, then he was a great model of success. He was where God wanted him to be.'”
The rest of the article.
Tolton: From Slave to Priest play info.
Tolton image (edited), public domain.
MLK photo (edited): public domain in Sweden; therefore, it is also public domain in U.S.