Category: Church, Liturgy, and Catholic Life

Relics on Relics on Relics on . . .

I don’t know if other seminaries out there do something similar to mine, but at my seminary (Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology ran by the Benedictine Monks at Saint Meinrad Archabbey) we have this part of the year called “J-Term,” which covers most of January (hence “J”-Term), and it starts when we come…

By BLACKCATHOLIC January 28, 2020 0

Christmas Party After Party

The past week was filled with a lot of Christmas gatherings of seminarians, vocation staff, and the bishop. One of them was the annual V.I.P (Vocations In Progress) Dinner organized by the Serra Club of Nashville. Every year the dinner mostly celebrates the seminarians in formation and the postulates/novices/first vows of the Nashville Dominican Sisters…

By BLACKCATHOLIC December 23, 2019 0