Category: Website Updates and Misc.

Update on Baby Julian

I received an update about Baby Julian from Father: “He has improved. Probably has cerebral palsy from the damage caused by lack of oxygen and might be blind. They’re hoping he can get off ventilator so they can bring him home. Also hoping he can eat on his own without a feeding tube.” Father is…

By BLACKCATHOLIC February 21, 2020 0

Relics on Relics on Relics on . . .

I don’t know if other seminaries out there do something similar to mine, but at my seminary (Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology ran by the Benedictine Monks at Saint Meinrad Archabbey) we have this part of the year called “J-Term,” which covers most of January (hence “J”-Term), and it starts when we come…

By BLACKCATHOLIC January 28, 2020 0