From a follower: Video on St. Maurice, the first Black Saint!
A follower messaged me this video about a Black Catholic Saint whose feast day is today!
According to the video (History Channel) St. Maurice is venerated as the first Black saint! He was the leader of the Roman Theban Legion in the 3rd century, and he and his legion refused to worship false Roman gods and they were martyred by their own for it. He has a great and courageous story that I didn’t know about till today!
“We are your soldiers, but we are even more the soldiers of Christ!” – St. Maurice
The video is a little low on sound so I recommend some headphones or at least a quiet room. Also, one part is a little graphic in violence, so viewer discretion advised. The video also seems to be in a playlist about St. Maurice, enjoy that!
Catholic Online article on St. Maurice
Wikipedia article on St. Maurice
St. Maurice, the first Black Saint, pray for us!
Thank you Emilie for sending me this!