HUGE NEWS! Mother Mary Lange Declared “Venerable” by Pope Francis!
HUGE NEWS!! Black Catholic Servant of God Mother Mary Lange(d. 1882), who founded the first Catholic order of religious sisters for African American women in US history, has been declared “Venerable” by Pope Francis today!
By this declaration she has been recognized as living a life of true extraordinary virtue, one of the key marks of saintliness! “Venerable” is the second major step to sainthood after “Servant of God”. Now her cause only needs two miracles to move up to “Blessed” and then “Saint”.
She joins the ranks of the other African American venerable holy ones: Fr. Augustus Tolton (declared Ven. 2019), Mother Henriette DeLille (declared Ven 2010) and Pierre Toussaint (declared Ven. 1997)
I wonder if a little incorrupt and fellow Black Catholic religious founderess in Gower, Missouri had anything to do with this.
Read more on the HUGE news below:
“On Thursday 22 June 2023, the Holy Father Francis received in audience His Eminence Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints. During the Audience, the Supreme Pontiff authorized the same Dicastery to promulgate the Decrees regarding:”
– “the heroic virtues of the Servant of God Mary Lange (born: Elisabeth ), Foundress of the Institute of the Oblate Sisters of Divine Providence; born around 1794 in Santiago de Cuba (Cuba) and died on February 3, 1882 in Baltimore (United States of America)” [Google Translation from the Italian]
“Pope Francis has advanced the sainthood cause of Mother Mary Elizabeth Lange, a Black religious sister who founded the country’s first African American religious congregation in Baltimore in 1829.
The recognition of Lange’s heroic virtue and the advancement of her cause from servant of God to venerable was announced by the Vatican in a decree signed on June 22. The Church will now need to approve a miracle attributed to her intercession before she can be beatified.”
Black Catholic Messenger – Mother Mary Lange declared venerable by Pope Francis:
“Pope Francis has declared as venerable Mother Mary Elizabeth Lange, the Cuban-born foundress of the Oblate Sisters of Providence, the first Black Catholic religious order in the United States.
Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, prefect of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints, published decrees on Thursday morning affirming the “heroic virtues” of Lange and four others, immediately following authorization from the pope during a private audience.
‘Convinced of the power of Providence against all forces of evil, she managed to carry out her educational role, showing in her mission great charity, even for enemies, and a profound sense of justice,’ reads her new biography on the dicastery website.”
Now I’ve got a page on my website to update now! Go to it learn more on the life on the now VENERABLE Mother Mary Lange!