Installed as Lector
Tonight a bunch of guys and I received the Ministry of Lector at the seminary. We are now officially at the Church’s service to proclaim the Word at Mass when called upon! And happy to have received this next step during Black History Month to be a part of Black history being made in the…
Important Announcement On My Journey to the Priesthood
This evening at the seminary at 6:00pm I will take the next step towards priestly ordination and be installed by the Church to the Ministry of Lector along with the rest of my class including a diocesan brother. After tonight I will be officially called and deputized by the Church to proclaim the Word of…
It begins again. Lent 2021
Lent begin again. Let us die so that we might rise again with Him. “Grant, O Lord, that we may begin with holy fasting this campaign of Christian service, so that, as we take up battle against spiritual evils, we may be armed with weapons of self-restraint. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who…
Please pray for my family. Thank you.
May I entreat you all for prayers for a sudden death within my family that occurred earlier this week. One of my cousins, Brandon, died unexpectedly at the young age of 31. Please pray for the repose of his soul and that Jesus will make His comfort and love known especially during this time for…
REPOST: Black (And Catholic) Like Me 3: St. Josephine Bakhita (Black History Month 2021)
This is a great repost for Black History Month 2021. Today is the feast day of St. Josephine Bakhita! And during Black History Month, no less! Learn more about St. Bakhita and the radical life of love she lived and why her life encapsulates “From Slavery of the Body to Freedom of the Soul.” ————————–JMJ————————–…
February – Month of the Holy Family
In addition to Black History Month February is also traditionally dedicated to the Holy Family. May the Black Family and all families be caught up in the love and unity of the Holy Family and be truly one. Let Joseph, Mary, and Jesus be the model for Black fathers, mothers, and children. Header image used…
Happy Black History Month 2021!
It has begun! Happy Black History Month 2021! Black Catholic History is Black History.
Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children
Also, absolutely worthy to mention today: Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children (Against the anniversary of Roe v Wade this day) “God our Creator, we give thanks to you, who alone have the power to impart the breath of life as you form each of us in our mother’s womb; grant,…
Back From The Silence
After it all I would say if you ever have the opportunity to take a directed silent retreat or even an extended time throughout some day to purposely unplug and focus on God and the purely spiritual matters, do it. I was happy to keep all of your intentions in prayer throughout.
On Silent Retreat for the Week
Our seminarian class of 1st Theology will be on a week long silent retreat. Say some prayers for us please as we enter into dialogue with God alone. Thank you and I will pray for all of your intentions. Because of this I will also not be posting as much up to next Friday.