APRIL – FATHER AUGUSTUS TOLTON MONTH 2021: 167th Anniversary of the the Birth of Venerable Augustus Tolton
Because yesterday was Holy Week and I have been caught up in all the Holy Week festivities going down in my diocese and my parish I missed to post on this yesterday.
Yesterday was the 167th Anniversary of the the Birth of Venerable Augustus Tolton. He was born on April 1, 1854 to Peter Paul Tolton and Martha Jane Chisley in Ralls County, Missouri. He was born into slavery, but in short time he would be baptized in to the freedom of Christ while an infant as Augustine in St. Peter’s Catholic Church near Rensselaer, Missouri, and in due time he would later escape slavery and grow up to be ordained into the priesthood of the Man in whom there is neither slave nor free person and offer the sacraments of the New Covenant that frees us all from the slavery to sin!
What a great way to kick off April as Father Augustus Tolton Month for my apostolate!
Venerable Father Augustus Tolton, pray for us!
Image: Belongs to the Archdiocese of Chicago. Fair Use.