Last seminary update: Graduation!
After 6.5 years, there’s nothing left to do but to go back home to Nashville for good. Thanks be to God, and thanks to all who have supported me in any way to reach graduation from seminary – especially through my prayer request from time to time. Thank you all who have followed my journey…
Seminary Update: It’s almost over!
A couple days ago I turned in my last assignment for seminary, and today is graduation day. Seminarians all over await this very point in the journey.
Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less: Gospel for Christ the King Sunday (Year B) [November 24, 2024]
Above and below is the image of the post for my Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less on my extension on X (280 character limit) and then shared on my FB for this Sunday’s Gospel reading for the Christ the King Sunday (Year B) [November 24, 2024] Jn 18:33b-37 Pilate said to Jesus,“Are you the King…
Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less: Gospel for 32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B) [November 10, 2024]
Above and below is the image of the post for my Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less on my extension on X (280 character limit) and then shared on my FB for this Sunday’s Gospel reading for the 32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B) [November 10, 2024]. Mk 12:38-44 In the course of his teaching…
Happy Black Catholic History Month 2024!
With the start of November we enter into that glorious month celebrated as Black Catholic History Month! My apostolate annually celebrates this good month to share even more so the history of Black Catholics in both American history and in world history. Why is there a National Black Catholic History Month? Why November? How will…
From All Souls Day: Candle for Fr. Cyprian Davis, OSB
I’ve been in seminary for 6.5 years, and each of those years (besides last year when I was doing my pastoral year of service in my diocese) I have laid a candle on this grave during our All Souls candlelight procession to the monks’ cemetery here at Saint Meinrad. This is the grave of Fr.…
Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less: Gospel for 31st Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B) [November 3, 2024]
Above and below is the image of the post for my Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less on my extension on X (280 character limit) and then shared on my FB for this Sunday’s Gospel reading for the 31st Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B) [November 3, 2024]. Mk 12:28b-34 One of the scribes came to…
Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less: Gospel for 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B) [October 27, 2024]
Above and below is the image of the post for my Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less on my extension on X (280 character limit) and then shared on my FB for this Sunday’s Gospel reading for the 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B) [October 27, 2024]. Mk 10:46-52 As Jesus was leaving Jericho with…
Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less: Gospel for 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B) [October 20, 2024]
Above and below is the image of the post for my Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less on my extension on X (280 character limit) and then shared on my FB for this Sunday’s Gospel reading for the 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B) [October 20, 2024]. Mk 10:35-45 James and John, the sons of…
Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less: Gospel for 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B) [October 13, 2024]
Above and below is the image of the post for my Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less on my extension on X (280 character limit) and then shared on my FB for this Sunday’s Gospel reading for the 27th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B) [October 13, 2024]. Mk 10:17-30 As Jesus was setting out on…