It’s Getting Real: My Admission to Candidacy for Holy Orders – 3 – What it Means To Be a Candidate for Holy Orders Now.

Oh, it got real, alright. Yesterday morning my Bishop admitted me to be a Candidate for Holy Orders through the Rite of Candidacy. See my previous two articles in this mini article-series for more information about Candidacy and its significance along the journey to priesthood: here and here. In this last installment I will share…

By BLACKCATHOLIC May 28, 2020 0

It’s Getting Real: My Admission to Candidacy for Holy Orders – 2 – Looking and Reflecting on the Text of the Rite of Candidacy.

This is the second entry in a mini article-series on my admission to Candidacy. Today is the day of my admission, which will take place at 11:00am CT this morning. I am feeling some of those good kinds of butterflies for sure. Anyway, I planned beforehand to do a piece that included the actually text…

By BLACKCATHOLIC May 27, 2020 0

It’s Getting Real: My Admission to Candidacy for Holy Orders – 1 – The Significance of Candidacy and Why It is Required On the Journey to The Priesthood

As I announced on Sunday, on this Wednesday, May 25, I will be admitted to Candidacy for Holy Orders. Because not everyone is familiar with what this means in particular I wanted to take this time leading up to talk about the significance of this next step. This first article in the start of a…

By BLACKCATHOLIC May 26, 2020 0