134th Anniversary of Ven. Augustus Tolton’s Ordination as a Priest!
I’ve been so wrapped up in work today, but I can’t let this day go by on my apostolate without acknowledging this. In this month which contains the anniversary of his birth on April 1, today, April 24, is the 134th anniversary of Ven. Augustus Tolton’s spiritual birth as a priest of Jesus Christ for…
REPOST: Prod. By BLACKCATHOLIC – 4: “God is Dead: For the Good Fridays and Holy Saturdays of Our Lives” (For Laudare)
Good to repost this for today: Here’s an article I wrote for Laudare in 2017 that fits the occasion of Holy Saturday: “God is Dead: For the Good Fridays and Holy Saturdays of Our Lives” Here are some excerpts: “When evil and suffering has taken out all the good in the world in an onslaught of pain,…
Holy Saturday
Christ is dead. Original picture: Ethiopian icon of the entombment of Christ. Presumably in the Public Domain. Found here.
Our Lord Has Been Crucified
We adore you O Christ and we praise You, for by Your Cross You have redeemed the world. Original picture: Ethiopian icon of the Crucifixion of Christ. Presumably in the Public Domain. Found here.
Holy Week Triduum Liturgy Livestream Schedule
Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper – 5:00pm CT Good Friday Morning Prayer – 9:00pm CT Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion – 3:00pm CT (Replaces Evening Prayer) Byzantine Burial Service – 7:00pm CT Easter Sunday Morning Prayer – 9:00am CT Easter Sunday Mass – 11:00am CT Adoration with Evening Prayer and Benediction – Begins…
2 Years of Catholicism Through A Colored Lens! 2nd Anniversary of BLACKCATHOLIC!
Today is also the 2nd year anniversary of the official launching of my BLACKCATHOLIC apostolate! It was April 1, Easter Day, two years ago (2018) when I first officially launched my FB and Twitter extensions with my website to come later that year. It has been another great year of blessings as my little project…
166th Anniversary of the Birth of Venerable Father Augustus Tolton
On the 166th anniversary of his birth let us learn about Venerable Father Augustus Tolton who was the first recognized African American Roman Catholic priest in United States history. He was born into slavery in Missouri on April 1, 1854, and his family later escaped to the free state of Illinois. He was raised Catholic…
Upcoming Schedule of Week’s Liturgy Livestreams During the COVID19 Pandemic
As you guys have seen on my social media extensions on FB and Twitter, last week I began livestreaming liturgical activities at the seminary, which I am still at along with around 45 other seminarians left that did return to their dioceses/religious communities, because many of you do currently do not have access to the…