The Nativity of Mary: A “Joyful Prelude” to Our Salvation. Happy Birthday Mama Mary!
“This is the highest, all-embracing benefit that Christ has bestowed on us. This is the revelation of the mystery, this is the emptying out of the divine nature, the union of God and man, and the deification of the manhood that was assumed.
This radiant and manifest coming of God to men most certainly needed a joyful prelude to introduce the great gift of salvation to us. The present festival, the birth of the Mother of God, is the prelude, while the final act is the fore-ordained union of the Word with flesh.
Today the Virgin is born, tended and formed and prepared for her role as Mother of God, who is the universal King of the ages.”
Justly, then, do we celebrate this mystery.”
– St. Andrew of Crete
Happy Birthday Mama Mary!
Happy Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary!
Painting: “Our Lady of Kibeho” by Smith Catholic Art. Used under Fair Use.