The World Has Left Us and All We Have is Jesus Now, So Keep Christmas Going!
This is what we’ve waited all Advent for! Keep Christmas going, y’all!
As Catholics we know that Christmas is not just one day that came and went on Dec. 25. Christmas is a whole season in itself and it only just got started! We have only just begun our contemplation of how the Son of God was made man and born into this world. But I know how it is, y’all. Living in modern Western culture (particularly in the US) celebrating Christmas in this society makes it seem like everything had a long buildup since even before Thanksgiving, and it all ended at 11:59pm on Dec 25. As Catholics we all know we should keep celebrating regardless even as the world moves on to the next big thing. But we get caught up, I know! I know a lot of us have probably been wanting to change this. Me, too.
That’s why I’m continuing the two above Christmas related books I began before Christmas Day throughout the whole season for spiritual reading to keep the true meaning of the season that still goes on until Epiphany (or traditionally till the Presentation, Feb. 2). So consider this a little reminder and encouragement for you all to keep your celebration of Christmas going in your hearts and with each other by finding some way to think and pray about the mystery of our Savior’s birth because our Church is still in Christmas celebration mode.
- Pick up these or other books on mystery of Christ’s birth for spiritual reading.
- Listen to podcasts on the spiritual and theological meaning of Christmas (looking for some? HMU in the messages, I got the hook up)
- Pray the Liturgy of the Hours (https://www.ibreviary.org/en/) and go to Mass because the liturgy of Church is still very much about Christmas.-Read some good articles on the meaning of the Incarnation.
- Do Lectio Divina over the Infancy Narratives in the Gospels, one chapter or so a day till Epiphany.
- Pick up the Catechism and study CCC 456-543 over the course of the time till Epiphany.
- Read my article about how to recognize “Christmas In You.”
Just pick one of these with the right spiritual mindset and you’re golden. There’s still plenty of time, but NOW is the time to keep the spirit of Christ’s birth. Even if you’re “Christmas-fatigued out”, do this, if you’re up for it. Don’t trust me; rather, trust Him.
The world has left us behind with it’s “celebration” of Christmas. But this is good because all we have left is the baby Jesus still in Mary’s arms. The world is gone. Only Jesus remains.
Let us actually spend time with the One we spent all Advent waiting.