Big Personal Update On My Seminary Journey: Last Semester!
A lot of yall have been following my journey in the seminary since I entered back in 2018 whenever I would share brief updates here and there.
Now, I would like for you to know that the seminary-side of my formation to the priesthood is in its last stage. There is still one more stage after seminary ends, which intiates with one HUGE step, but 6.5 years of school are about to be done.
Last month I entered into my last semester at Saint Meinrad, and I am on track to graduate this December.
There are more things to share about some future major events that will be happening in the coming months, and I will share them at the proper times. All things being if God continues to will them to be, of course.
Until then, please pray for me.
A Hail Mary and a quick prayer to Sts. Stephen and Peter Canisius will do. 😉
Thank you.
– Justin