Deacon Ordination: The countdown begins. 10 Days.

In 10 days me and two other men will take a definitive step towards service of the People of God.
We will all be ordained to the transitional Diaconate for the Diocese of Nashville on December 21 at 10am at the Cathedral of the Incarnation by the Most Reverend J. Mark Spalding in Nashville TN.
Joseph Hinderer
Justin Farr (me)
Please pray for all seminarians but especially us three men and our families as we make this crucial step in the journey towards the priesthood. May I request novenas to either Our Lady of Guadalupe since her feast day fall within this period of time or to St. Stephen who was the first deacon and martyr of the Church.

If my diocese has a live stream I hope to have time to link it here on that day. If I miss the posting the stream, but there is video, I will at least try to link the video after everything.
Thank you and God bless you,
– Justin