Aleteia: Capuchin priest who fought racism on way to canonization
Reading this great piece from Aletetia I found out about a Capuchin priest who ministered and advocated for Black people during the early 20th century: Fr. Stephen Eckert. He was born on Apr 38, 1869 in Dublin, Ontario, Canada. Here are some excerpts below: “Born in Canada, Fr. Stephen Eckert joined the Capuchin order, was…
Bishop Barron on Why MLK Still Matters Today
On this year’s #MLKDay – this Barron (before he was a Bishop) video on Why MLK still matters today is a good one to watch and reflect on. In it Barron chooses three aspects about MLK that make him highly important and relevant today especially for the Christian. From these the biggest take away for me was…
Black Jesus Sermon On The Mount Art Piece
Been back at seminary this week. During the break I found this book with a lovely Black depiction of Jesus at my local Catholic bookstore (above). Reminds me of Ethiopian Christian art. Here’s the artist as well (below).
Happy New Year 2020!
Gloria in excelsis Deo per omnia saecula saeculorum! Happy New Year to all of you and may God bless each and all! Happy 2020 and 2020s!
Merry Christmas 2019 from BLACKCATHOLIC!
15 When the angels had gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds began saying to one another, “Let us go straight to Bethlehem then, and see this thing that has happened which the Lord has made known to us.” 16 So they came in a hurry and found their way to Mary and Joseph, and the baby as He…
Sea of Christmas Flowers
There was a sea of poinsettias sitting on the table ready to go up to decorate the church today.
Christmas Party After Party
The past week was filled with a lot of Christmas gatherings of seminarians, vocation staff, and the bishop. One of them was the annual V.I.P (Vocations In Progress) Dinner organized by the Serra Club of Nashville. Every year the dinner mostly celebrates the seminarians in formation and the postulates/novices/first vows of the Nashville Dominican Sisters…
Back Home For Christmas!
Back home for Christmas break! Thank God forreal for that! The Bishop visited my parish for the vigil last night, and I served. Plus it was a great opportunity to rep NashVocations, our diocese’s vocations office.