![Prod. By BLACKCATHOLIC – 5: Three Black Holy Ones Everyone Should Know About (For uCatholic)[Black History Month 2020]](https://i0.wp.com/theblackcatholic.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Screen-Shot-2020-02-06-at-9.55.44-PM.png?resize=1024%2C491&ssl=1)
Prod. By BLACKCATHOLIC – 5: Three Black Holy Ones Everyone Should Know About (For uCatholic)[Black History Month 2020]
Prod. by BLACKCATHOLIC series synopsis: I write for other Catholic platforms too. When I have articles published elsewhere I will have some of them previewed here and will provide a link to the full article on the original site of the post. Check out more posts from of this article-series here.
Special Series: Black History Month (February)/Black Catholic Month (November) series synopsis: Each February and November my apostolate will have special series of posts celebrating Black History Month (Feb.) and Black Catholic History Month (Nov.). February’s celebration will include posts involving Black history generally often with the Church’s relation to it. November’s celebration will include a showcase of Black Catholic saints/holy ones and topics from history. Black (and Catholic) Like Me entries will often be made during these months. Check out more posts from this article-series here.
To kick off this my apostolate’s celebration of Black history for this special month – Go check out an article I just penned for uCatholic on three Black Catholic Holy Ones everyone should take the chance to get to know about including some of my personal reflections on their lives.
Here’s some excerpts:
On Fr. Augustus Tolton:
“I think Tolton was the first African American that I found out was on the way to becoming a saint. I found him excitingly unique because he was a Black American Catholic (when there were not/still not many), he was a Black priest (especially for him being the first for America), and he could be a saint in the future. And even now as an African American it feels good that I can claim a certain possession of him and call him my own in some way.”
On Servant of God Julia Greeley:
“Even still, God had the last mark on her life. No one remembers her former “master” but many remember Julia. And if she (God willing) is made a saint of the Catholic Church, she will be remembered until the end of time. The evil of slavery did not take her down in bitterness. Rather, she still lived a life of radical charity and witness to Jesus and His love in the Sacred Heart.”
On St. Martin de Porres:
“But as he had a life that showcased a lot of Black struggle, he also had a life that showcased a bounty of Black triumph. Even when life tried to keep him out of his calling he persevered and fought the devil’s lie of racism with God’s truth of love.”
Check out the rest: “Three Black Holy Ones Everyone Should Know About”