Summer 2019 Personal Update 1 of 3: My first summer assignment as a seminarian.
Here’s the first in a series of three updates about my activities this summer. A lot of these are from the posts I’ve made through my social media extensions over the past couple of months, and they will detail some of the things involving my first summer assignment as a seminarian. I started my summer…
New Deacons (And Future Priests) for the Church!
Had ordination of three men to the transitional diaconate at the seminary! God bless these chosen men on the way to priesthood. Say a Hail Mary for em! Some pics below of two of them.
Prod. By BLACKCATHOLIC – 4: “God is Dead: For the Good Fridays and Holy Saturdays of Our Lives” (For Laudare)
Here’s an article I wrote for Laudare in 2017 that fits the occasion of Holy Saturday: “God is Dead: For the Good Fridays and Holy Saturdays of Our Lives” Here are some excerpts: “When evil and suffering has taken out all the good in the world in an onslaught of pain, what joy could anything left…
Chrism Mass Flow
From my diocese’s Chrism Mass held tonight! First as a seminarian. I even met a couple of local fans of my apostolate BLACKCATHOLIC. Let us thank God for priests and ask that He sends us more holy ones!
Black (And Catholic) Like Me 3: St. Josephine Bakhita (Black History Month 2019)
Some intense back problems and trying to catch up on seminary work kept me from posting about the last two Black Saints of February, but I still want to get their stories out at least. So, now I post one of them up now, and I will get the second up as soon as possible. They…
Black (And Catholic) Like Me 2: St. Benedict the Moor, O.F.M., “The Holy Black” (Black History Month 2019)
Here is the second Black Saint to be featured during this year’s celebration of Black History Month by my apostolate, and the 2nd installment of Black (And Catholic) Like Me, an article-series that features a Black Catholic saint from history (or soon to be one) and tells a little about him/her and what I believe we can…
Black (And Catholic) Like Me 1: Servant of God Mother Mary Lange, A True Mother of God’s Forgotten Children (Black History Month 2019)
This is the first Black saint/holy one to be featured during this year’s celebration of Black History Month by my apostolate. Also, this is the first official installment of Black (And Catholic) Like Me an article-series that will feature a Black Catholic saint from history (or soon to be one) and tell a little about…
Prod. By BLACKCATHOLIC – 3: The Great Equalizer: How the Sacraments Make Us All Equal ( For uCatholic)
To kick off this month’s celebration of Black History Month. Here’s a BHM edition of one of my article series, Prod. By BLACKCATHOLIC where I feature an article that I’ve written for another platform and preview it. I wrote an article last year for uCatholic that is very fitting for this month. I drew in part upon Fr.…
“Black (And Catholic) Like Me” Article-Series Introduction and Black Saints Page
The Black Saints and Holy Ones page is official up and running. Above is a screen shot of it. This is a page that I will use to provide a catalogue of Catholic saints or future saints of African descent who have been a excellent example of Black holiness for the Church. Included will be…