“Now That The Sun Has Returned” – A Three-Part Reflection Series on the Value of Sunday as the Lord’s Day Begins This Sunday
This time last year a lot of things were still locked down including churches, and if anything was open, there were extensive restrictions. Plus, the Sunday obligation to attend Mass was not in effect many parts of the Church. For a lot of us we are definitely back to a situation that looks a lot…
“What if I should do what the saints did?”
“While reading the life of Christ our Lord or the lives of the saints, he [St. Ignatius of Loyola] would reflect and reason with himself: ‘What if I should do what Saint Francis or Saint Dominic did?’” – from Luis Gonzalez’s biography of St. Ignatius. The question St. Ignatius asked himself hit me good today…
Brief Word On Matrimony and Black Marriage
A couple of weeks I saw a picture of Black Catholic newlyweds on my FB social media extension and it inspired me to say this then with a small edit and addition. There are often calls for prayers to vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Those are well and good. Keep praying for these…
Confession. Makes. Saints.
Never be afraid to “repent and believe in the Gospel” for at the moment of every confession “the time has come.” (Mark 1:15). Shared this on my social media last week, and it deserves a spot on my site as well.
8 Years ago today I became a Catholic.
8 years ago today I was able to go to a priest and confess my sins and receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time, and it would be the first of many times. 8 years ago today at a simple daily Mass I professed what the above little card says and received the…
Sacrosanctum Concilium, Congar, and Participation in the Liturgy
The following is originally part of a paper I did in seminary last year for my Liturgical Theology class. I think its good and worth a share with some small revisions. How does one participate in the liturgy? To begin properly we must define what “participation” is in general in regards to the Church’s liturgy…
Black Catholic Saint Feast Day: St. Charles Lwanga and Companions, Ugandan Martyrs (June 3)
Today the Church celebrates Black Catholic martyr-saints today! June 3rd is the feast day of St. Charles Lwanga and his Companions, holy martyrs of Uganda, and the Church celebrates it as a memorial today. From Catholic Culture: “Today, together with the whole Church, we honor twenty-two Ugandan martyrs. They are the first martyrs of Sub-Saharan…
Let Us Draw to the Sacred Heart of Jesus This June
June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Our Lord. Let His Heart be enthroned in your hearts and homes this month to trample down pride and sin and raising up humility and holiness in their place. Let us behold the Heart that is the place of true inclusion for all people, for it was…
Happy Pentecost, everyone, from BLACKCATHOLIC!
With the sending of the Holy Spirit upon the Church, the Paschal Mystery of Easter is complete. That is why the Easter season formally ends at the close of Pentecost, or have we forgotten that Pentecost is also an Easter celebration as well? Just as at Mass the one Sacrifice of Christ is re-presented on…
Want to see God? Come to a Catholic church: Implications of the Eucharistic belief
A thought during Mass today: One of the most amazing things about being Catholic are implications of our Eucharistic faith regarding Jesus. We believe that the very SAME Jesus who lived and walked 2000 years ago is literally in our churches in the Eucharist. The Jesus who did miracles, forgave sins, preached to multitudes, suffered,…