7 Years of Being Catholic This Weekend!
The past weekend I celebrated 7 years of being Catholic by God’s grace! I came into the Church on June 26, 2013. My faith has only gotten stronger and deeper and more rich as the years keeping coming by! I have been so happy to be a part of God’s One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic…
Happy Solemnity of the Most Blessed and Most Holy Almighty Trinity +Father, Son, and Holy Spirit+!
It has my favorite Mass preface (“It is truly right and just”) prayer of all time! Vere dignum et iustum est, æquum et salutare,nos tibi semper et ubique gratias agere:Domine, sancte Pater, omnipotens æterne Deus: Qui cum Unigenito Filio tuo et Spiritu Sanctounus es Deus, unus es Dominus:non in unius singularitate personæ,sed in unius Trinitate…
“From Baptist to Catholic to Seminary”: Talking Catholic Interview with David L. Gray – My Conversion Journey, The Saints, Peter as Rock of the Church, Journey to the Priesthood, Black Catholicism, and Response to George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery
I invite all of you to go check out the interview I did with David. L Gray this week for his YouTube channel on his show “Talking Catholic with David L. Gray.” David Gray is a Black Catholic author, theologian, historian and YouTuber who is also a convert to the faith. On his show he…
Liturgy Livestreams for the Rest of May (5/23-5/31)
All event/times central and subject to change. All taking place at a new location, my home parish. 5/23 (Saturday) 5:00pm Vigil Mass 5/24 (Ascension Sunday) 9:00am Mass 5/26 (Tuesday) 10:30am Morning Prayer 12:10pm Mass 4:00 Evening Prayer 5/29 (Friday) 12:10pm Mass 5/30 (Saturday) 5:00pm Vigil 5/31 (Pentecost Sunday) 9:00am Mass
Update on Livestreaming of Liturgies
Now that I am back home and staying at my actual house I am no longer just a walk downstairs to a chapel where daily Mass and Adoration takes place. Plus, I am no longer in my room in the seminary; I am back at my room at home which is not set up the…
Holy Saturday
Christ is dead. Original picture: Ethiopian icon of the entombment of Christ. Presumably in the Public Domain. Found here.
Our Lord Has Been Crucified
We adore you O Christ and we praise You, for by Your Cross You have redeemed the world. Original picture: Ethiopian icon of the Crucifixion of Christ. Presumably in the Public Domain. Found here.
Holy Week Triduum Liturgy Livestream Schedule
Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper – 5:00pm CT Good Friday Morning Prayer – 9:00pm CT Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion – 3:00pm CT (Replaces Evening Prayer) Byzantine Burial Service – 7:00pm CT Easter Sunday Morning Prayer – 9:00am CT Easter Sunday Mass – 11:00am CT Adoration with Evening Prayer and Benediction – Begins…