Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less: Gospel for the 1st Sunday of Lent (Year B) [February 18, 2024]
Above is the image of the post for my Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less on my extension on X (280 character limit) and then shared on my FB for this Sunday’s Gospel reading for the 1st Sunday of Lent (Year B) [February 18, 2024]. Mk 1:12-15The Spirit drove Jesus out into…
Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less: Gospel for the 6th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B) [February 11, 2024]
Above is the image of the post for my Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less on my extension on X (280 character limit) and then shared on my FB for this Sunday’s Gospel reading for the 6th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B) [February 11, 2024]. Mk 1:40-45 A leper came to…
Black History Month 2024: Feb. 8 – St. Josephine Bakhita, From Slavery of the Body to Freedom of the Soul
“Rejoice, all of Africa! Bakhita has come back to you: the daughter of the Sudan sold into slavery as a living piece of merchandise and yet still free. Free with the freedom of the saints. Blessed Josephine comes back to you with the message of God the Father’s infinite mercy.” Pope St. John Paul II,…
Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less: Gospel for the 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B) [February 4, 2024]
Above is the image of the post for my Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less on my extension on X (formerly Twitter – 280 character limit) and then shared on my FB for this Sunday’s Gospel reading for the 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B) [February 4, 2024] Mk 1:29-39On leaving…
St. Blaise Blessings For The First Time
Praise God for the chance to help Father and the Deacons give out St. Blaise throat blessings to His people. The was my first time doing this! Be sure to get yours this weekend if your parish is offering them. St. Blaise, bishop and martyr of Christ Jesus, pray for us!
Black History Month 2024: Feb. 3 – Venerable Mother Lange, Co-Foundress of America’s First Order for Black Sisters
Feb. 3rd is the 142nd anniversary of when Mother Mary Lange went to God. She help found the Oblate Sisters of Providence, the 1st Catholic order for Black sisters in US history. Black History was made last year when Lange was declared Venerable. From my page on her life: On July 2, 1829 Elizabeth and…
Happy Black History Month 2024!
Happy Black History Month from BLACKCATHOLIC! BHM is dedicated to the celebration of African Americans, our history, community, leaders, culture, and achievements. It also celebrates how African American history is an essential part of the history of the United States in general. Since its inception my apostolate has always taken part in celebrating BHM especially…
Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less: Gospel for the 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B) [January 28, 2024]
Above is the image of the post for my Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less on my extension on X (formerly Twitter – 280 character limit) and then shared on my FB for this Sunday’s Gospel reading for the 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B) [January 28, 2024] Mk 1:21-28Then they…
Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less: Gospel for the 3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B) [January 21, 2024]
Above is the image of the post for my Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less on my extension on X (formerly Twitter – 280 character limit) and then shared on my FB for this Sunday’s Gospel reading for the 3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B) [January 21, 2024] Mk 1:14-20 After…
Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less: Gospel for the 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B) [January 14, 2024]
Above is the image of the post for my Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less on my extension on X (formerly Twitter – 280 character limit) and then shared on my FB for this past Sunday’s Gospel reading for the 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B) [January 14, 2024] Jn 1:35-42John…