¿Por Qué No Los Dos? Roman Liturgies For ALL Roman Catholics
TLM and NO. ¿Por Qué No Los Dos? Why not both?
The following was originally a thread a tweets inspired by this particular tweet:

I have attended both the Traditional Latin Mass and the Novus Ordo since 2016 and have always been super down with both.
I encourage all Latin Catholics to expose themselves to good and reverent examples of both on the regular (even if you prefer one over the other) to know the fullness of their ritual heritage and the good in some of the reforms.
Also everyone should know the unity of the Roman liturgy in both forms, which becomes a wellspring of tradition and the celebration of the mystery of faith in a Roman way for Roman Catholics. All of this belongs to all of us Latins to enjoy, be enriched, and come to Jesus together.
Both forms along with the Latin Rite’s particular tradition and expression of the mystery of faith belongs to and has riches for both the so called “boomer” and “trad” and every other “type”.