APRIL – FATHER AUGUSTUS TOLTON MONTH 2021: 135th Anniversary Of Priestly Ordination Of Fr. Tolton
Borrowed from a FB friend:
April 24, 2021 is the 135th anniversary of Venerable Augustus Tolton’s ordination to the holy priesthood at Saint John Lateran Basilica in Rome. Father Tolton is the first recognized Black Catholic priest in the USA. His cause for canonization is being promoted.
Since Tolton was not welcome in a Roman Catholic seminary in the USA, others helped him to be admitted to a Roman Catholic seminary in Rome, which formed priests for missionary work.
A committee recommended an assignment to an African country. The Prefect of the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith rejected that and said, “America has been called the most enlightened nation in the world. We shall see whether it deserves that honor. If the United States has never before seen a black priest, it must see one now.” (https://tolton.archchicago.org)
Learn about Ven. Tolton’s life and cause for sainthood as America’s first recognized Black American Catholic priest: https://tolton.archchicago.org/about
Pray with Ven. Tolton and let him carry your needs to God this special month: Tolton Novena for the Spiritual Welfare of the Black American Community info: http://www.toltonnovena.org/
Venerable Father Augustus Tolton, pray for us!
Image: Public Domain.