BLACKCATHOLIC Fervorinos 6: Now That We’ve Found Love What Are We Gonna Do? Video Transcript
The following is an approximate transcript of my “BLACKCATHOLIC Fervorinos 6: Now That We’ve Found Love What Are We Gonna Do?” video released on my Facebook page on July 12, 2023. The transcript below strives for a balance of both a word-for-word account and careful editing for better reading. With [notes], [additions], and omissions for clarity and flow. After this check out more of my BLACKCATHOLIC Fervorinos and their video transcripts.
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How you doing? This is Justin the BLACKCATHOLIC, and I’m coming at you with another BLACKCATHOLIC Fervorino.
And if you’re new to my apostolate, BLACKCATHOLIC Fervorinos are just brief pep talks to get your faith going.
And the title for this BLACKCATHOLIC Fervorino is: “Now That We’ve Found Love What Are We Gonna Do?”
And the title for this BLACKCATHOLIC Fervorino actually comes from a hook to an old song that’s always kind of been in my mind for years, but I’ve actually never heard the full song. I’ve only heard maybe the hook of the song over time, but the the hook has always remained with me: “now that we’ve found love what are we gonna do?” And the hook is from an old song that was that was originally sung by the R&B group The O’Jays in 1970s, and then later it received a notable, very popular cover by Heavy D and the Boyz in the early 1990s. It’s a secular song, and I actually had to look up the lyrics to the song before doing this video. And so it’s not the best for our purposes here, but they got something right when it came to the hook: “now that we’ve found love what are we gonna do?” And it’s always stuck with me. Especially, for some reason, it’s always stuck with me after I received the Eucharist. So it comes to mind right after I receive the Eucharist a lot of times, and I think it poses actually a very interesting question, I started to kind of feel over time
The song is about a man and a woman falling in love, coming together, and finding love. And a interesting question comes because in that situation we know that when a man and a woman come together and they fall in love that’s not the end of the story. There’s something else. There’s something that begins there. And there’s a great “now what?” I think when it comes to that situation we all know the answer to that. It’s that they found love, they fall in love, and the “now what?” is this kind of love that impels an action. They can’t just remain static. The love that they find actually impels a certain action. This action is a sort of radical dedication towards each other.
And so that’s where I want to use my launch off point because we believe not just in a God who loves, but a God who is Love itself, and the Love that this God is – is the eternal and everlasting love of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And this Love was precisely the same Love that came down to us in the Incarnation. It came down in the person of Jesus. It came down in our very human situation to save us by this eternal Love that was in the person of Jesus. And we can say that love found us, and we found love – on the cross, on the altar, in our bodies. Because when we receive Jesus in the Eucharist we find love over and over and over again. Because it was precisely this love, the eternal Love from the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit that came down and found us and we receive this Love in the Eucharist. And when we do receive it – it sparks a question to us, and this question demands an answer from us. Because when we receive Jesus there’s the existence of another great “now what?”
And the question is once we receive Jesus in the Eucharist and we receive Love:
Now that you’ve got Him what are you gonna do with Him?
That’s the question that I want to pose to you the next time you receive the Eucharist.
This is Justin the BLACKCATHOLIC.
2022-2024 National Eucharistic Revival
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Note: All images used in the video of my BLACKCATHOLIC Fervorino were used under Fair Use or Public Domain. All credit for images goes to their original creators.