Brief Word On Matrimony and Black Marriage
A couple of weeks I saw a picture of Black Catholic newlyweds on my FB social media extension and it inspired me to say this then with a small edit and addition.
There are often calls for prayers to vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Those are well and good. Keep praying for these vocations especially to come out of the Black community for the Church.
But let us also pray God increases the number of holy and till death marriages in the Church because it is always in the context of the family that God calls men and women out to do His will, which includes spreading the kingdom of God through the sanctity of married life.
A Church that is producing holy vocations to all of God’s callings to married, priestly, diaconal, and consecrated life is a Church firing on all cylinders. And it is in this very fire, the same fire that Christ desired to see the world engulfed in, that all shades of sanctity are forged.
So in the photo above is Black marital sanctity, one manifestation among many of the one Sanctity that is Christ Himself incarnated through His Catholic Church in world. #BlackMarriageMatters because Black marriages and Black families in the Church are a part of God’s plan to set the world on fire.
Below: Ven. Pierre Toussaint and his wife Juliette Noel Toussaint.
They spent their marriage working closely together attending to the needs of the poor in New York City.

All images modified from originals and use under Fair Use. Cover image source, credit: St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church in Brooklyn, NY. Left image source. Right image source.