Category: Articles

“Sunday in a TweetShell” for the Gospel for the 7th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year A) [February 19, 2023] – Matthew 5:38-48

My “Sunday in a TweetShell” is late today because guess who didn’t read the seminary email about the change in Mass time for just this free weekend & had to off campus to find a Mass….yeah so here it is. At least you can get today’s Gospel back in mind for evening contemplation. Above is…

By BLACKCATHOLIC February 19, 2023 0

Interviewed by the St. Thomas More “Cougar Cast” Student Show for Black History Month!

I was recently took part in a brief interview by the student-ran Cougar Cast a live weekly school TV newscast show filmed out of St. Thomas More Catholic High School in Lafayette, LA. Their show focuses on school announcements, important news, sports and weather, but sometimes that have special themed episodes like the one I…

By BLACKCATHOLIC February 18, 2023 0

“Sunday in a TweetShell” for the Gospel for the 6th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year A) [February 12, 2023] – Matthew 5:17-37

Above is my “Sunday in a TweetShell: Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less” I tweeted and shared on my FB for today’s Gospel reading for the 6th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year A) [February 12, 2023] Mt 5:17-37 Jesus said to his disciples:“Do not think that I have come to abolish the…

By BLACKCATHOLIC February 12, 2023 0

“Sunday in a TweetShell” for the Gospel for the 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year A) [February 5, 2023] – Matthew 5:13-16

Above is my “Sunday in a TweetShell: Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less” I tweeted and shared on my FB for today’s Gospel reading for the 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year A) [February 5, 2023] Mt 5:13-16 Jesus said to his disciples:“You are the salt of the earth.But if salt loses…

By BLACKCATHOLIC February 5, 2023 0

“Sunday in a TweetShell” for the Gospel for the 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year A) [January 29, 2023] – Matthew 5:1-12a

Above is my “Sunday in a TweetShell: Sunday’s Gospel Message and Us in 280 or Less” I tweeted and shared on my FB for today’s Gospel reading for the 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year A) [January 29, 2023] Mt 5:1-12a. When Jesus saw the crowds, he went up the mountain,and after he had sat…

By BLACKCATHOLIC January 29, 2023 0