Visited National Shrine of the Little Flower
As you know from my last post, I am currently in San Antonio staying at the Mexican American Catholic College (MACC) for two months as part of the second part of my summer assignment, Spanish immersion. There are four in total of us Nashville seminarians here, and we have made it a part of our plans to visit surrounding churches in order to attend local Spanish Masses on Sundays. Today we visited the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Little Flower in town very close to MACC, actually. The Shrine houses the relics of both St. Thérèse and her parents and it has an exact copy of the actual Shrine in Lieseux. Here are some pictures below:

I didn’t go down to the lower level where there is apparently more things to check out. Perhaps next time I shall.
More information about the Shrine: https://www.littleflowerbasilica.org/