Happy Resurrection Day from BLACKCATHOLIC! Above: Jesus depicted in an Ethiopian work of art from the 18th century (Public Domain)
Prod. By BLACKCATHOLIC – 4: “God is Dead: For the Good Fridays and Holy Saturdays of Our Lives” (For Laudare)
Here’s an article I wrote for Laudare in 2017 that fits the occasion of Holy Saturday: “God is Dead: For the Good Fridays and Holy Saturdays of Our Lives” Here are some excerpts: “When evil and suffering has taken out all the good in the world in an onslaught of pain, what joy could anything left…
Chrism Mass Flow
From my diocese’s Chrism Mass held tonight! First as a seminarian. I even met a couple of local fans of my apostolate BLACKCATHOLIC. Let us thank God for priests and ask that He sends us more holy ones!
Passiontide is the last two weeks of Lent. Did your parish start to cover its statues this past week?
1 Year of Catholicism Through A Colored Lens! First Annum of BLACKCATHOLIC!
Today is an important day for BLACKCATHOLIC! It is the 1st year anniversary of the official launching of my apostolate! I It was April 1, Easter Day when I launched it all. God has been good and has blessed my mission with help from others along the way (especially from Ryan Scheel head of uCatholic)! Because…
Happy Feast of the Annunciation!
Mary said YES! and the Word has been made flesh! 9 months from today we will have a Holy Baby!
Happy Feast of St. Joseph, Spouse of the Virgin Mary!
He is one of the patrons for BLACKCATHOLIC, and my personal patron when I came into the Church! St. Joseph pray for us! Original St. Joseph image, presumably in public domain. Source.
St. John Vianney’s Incorrupt Heart and Your Intentions!
I meant to post this earlier in the week. Like I mentioned in the on FB, St. John Vianney’s incorrupt heart was only with us at the seminary for Mon and Tues. I didn’t get to spend too much time with the Cure, but the time I did spend was very sweet. Thank you for…