2020 Fr. Cyprian Davis Black History Lecture in the Books!
Special Series: Black History Month (February)/Black Catholic Month (November)series synopsis: Each February and November my apostolate will have special series of posts celebrating Black History Month (Feb.) and Black Catholic History Month (Nov.). February’s celebration will include posts involving Black history generally often with the Church’s relation to it. November’s celebration will include a showcase of Black Catholic saints/holy ones and topics from history. Black (and Catholic) Like Me entries will often be made during these months. Check out more posts from this article-series here.
The 2020 Fr. Cyprian Davis Black History Lecture featuring C. Vanessa White on the Black American Catholic holy ones on the path to sainthood is in the books! She talked about six holy ones five of whom I have covered on my apostolate website:
Ven. Tolton, Ven. Mother Henriette DeLille, Ven. Pierre Toussaint, Servant of God Mother Lange, Servant of God Sr. Thea Bowman. Servant of God Julia Greeley.

I took a bunch of photos and notes and will post up a recap of the talk including them in the coming days when I get the chance!
And great news is that this year I managed to get a great voice recording of the full talk and the short Q&A of the lecture and will be posting that up as well for you all so you can hear it!
What a great night and talk!