Category: Black Catholicism and Black Faith

Tolton Novena for the Spiritual Welfare of the Black American Community (July 1-July 9) [124th Anniversary of Tolton’s Death] Begins Today! – Day 1

Today is the beginning of the Ven. Fr. Augustus Tolton Novena for the Spiritual Welfare of the Black American Community! It starts from today, July 1, and runs till July 9, the 124th anniversary of the death of Fr. Tolton, the first recognized African-American Catholic priest in U.S. history. Tolton lived from April 1, 1854…

By BLACKCATHOLIC July 1, 2021 0

Black Catholic Saint Feast Day: St. Charles Lwanga and Companions, Ugandan Martyrs (June 3)

Today the Church celebrates Black Catholic martyr-saints today! June 3rd is the feast day of St. Charles Lwanga and his Companions, holy martyrs of Uganda, and the Church celebrates it as a memorial today. From Catholic Culture: “Today, together with the whole Church, we honor twenty-two Ugandan martyrs. They are the first martyrs of Sub-Saharan…

By BLACKCATHOLIC June 3, 2021 0

Advancement in Sainthood Cause of Black Catholic Holy One – Julia Greeley ( article)

There has been an advancement in one Black Catholic Holy One who could be declared a saint someday! A positive development in the sainthood cause of Servant of God Julia Greeley! * * * FULL ARTICLE: “Devotion to Julia Greeley grows as beatification cause advances in Rome” – Denver Catholic “Denver in particular has a…

By BLACKCATHOLIC March 18, 2021 0

“From Baptist to Catholic to Seminary”: Talking Catholic Interview with David L. Gray – My Conversion Journey, The Saints, Peter as Rock of the Church, Journey to the Priesthood, Black Catholicism, and Response to George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery

I invite all of you to go check out the interview I did with David. L Gray this week for his YouTube channel on his show “Talking Catholic with David L. Gray.” David Gray is a Black Catholic author, theologian, historian and YouTuber who is also a convert to the faith. On his show he…

By BLACKCATHOLIC June 5, 2020 0